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Antique Half Block 2 Update
March 11, 2016

LHF Antique Half Block 2

The Antique Half Block 2 font set has been updated today (3/11/2016). The following changes were made:

• A fine vertical line on the "E" was removed from the Regular version. (Sometimes we use these to match sidebearings between the fonts, and it was left inadvertently.)

• Tightened kerning for "AU" combination in all versions. (They were too far apart.)

• Changed the right sidebearing for "D" in all versions. (It was too tight with straight letters that followed it.)

• Added version number (1.1) and date (3/11/16) to "bar" glyph under LHF insignia. (This makes it easier for people to see what version they are using. We will do this for all fonts going forward.)

Customers who downloaded LHF Antique Half Block 2 between 2/26/16 and today should login to their accounts and redownload the .zip package containing the font set.

Please follow these instructions for upgrading:

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
